But there are others that may not be as well known, but have become personal favorites. Here are a few:
1. "Angles from the Realms of Glory" was written by the Scottish poet James Montgomery. It was recorded by Annie Lennox on the album, A Christmas Cornucopia" You can listen to it here as sung by a church choir form the Mid-West. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-paqePRfRc8
2."Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" is a German carol from the 16th century which is a favorite of
Lutherans and Episcopalians alike. It has a nice lilting melody.
3. "The Carol of the Bells" is a favorite of my son's...he likes the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's rendition, which is ironic since the tune itself is from a Ukrainian folk song welcoming in the New Year. This is a relatively contemporary carol. It was introduced to this country in 1921. Here is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's version. I liked it better than the Mormon Tabernacle choir, but you can decide. I am linking them both here.
4. "The Snow lay on the Ground" is set to a traditional Irish tune. I just think it is a lovely carol.
5. "O Holy Night" is a very popular carol, but often difficult to sing. Its tune was written by Adolph Adams in around 1846 in France. A Unitarian minister, John Sullivan Dwight, wrote the English words based on the Franch. The best recording I have ever heard of it was done by Josh Groban.
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